The Simplest Practice For Your Journey

Posted on May 25th, 2020.

One of my new year’s intentions for 2020 was to practice yoga at least 3 times a week. 

Last week, I wanted to up it to everyday because I noticed the benefits of consistent practice and it honestly just feels good. I didn’t quite make it to the full 7 days, but I got close–I did 5. When practicing, I still follow YouTubers that I’ve found to be great yoga teachers, specifically, Adriene from Yoga with Adriene (if you’re a beginner, I highly recommend–A1 quality). One of the things she says in her videos really stuck out to me. She said “move through the practice how you want to move through your day–with ease…no one wants to rush to the next thing, running late, etc”.

And in that moment, it brought me back to the present.

Sometimes when practicing yoga, I feel like I’m just trying to “get through” the practice because of a goal I set for myself and I realize that I forgot the entire purpose of me even doing it which was to feel better, grounded and more connected with myself. This translates to my everyday life as well.

On many days, I just need to breathe in + breathe out—slowly.

As an entrepreneur, I often feel overwhelmed with creating the next thing that will get me more clients, more money or more knowledge when I need to focus on the here and now–moving with ease. I get too focused on accomplishing some big goal every single day when, in reality, that is downright ridiculous. No one in the world sets goals one day and the next has achieved a big milestone. Everything takes time, intention, focus and (I think) ease.

This translates to every area of life.

Let’s go over some examples of everyday activities that you’d want done with ease:

  • Drinking water: No one wants to be choked trying to guzzle water.
  • Reading: Do you quickly flip through the pages of a book just to be done? No.
  • Eating food: When you eat with ease, you enjoy the flavors.
  • Having sex: NO ONE wants a quick pumper… one.

The list can truly go on, but you get my point.

Once again, I’m reminded that practicing yoga teaches me the importance of staying present. When I actively focus on the present moment, there is nothing to worry about or fear because, at minimum, I have breath in my body and that is a miracle to be reveled in itself.

So, this week, I am setting the intention to move with ease through every day.

I challenge you to set an intention for the week and actively choose to live out that intention. If you feel called, share your intention with a family member or friend. Accountability partners are key to walking the talk sometimes and who knows…you may inspire them to set an intention for the week as well.

As always, I hope you’re loving the journey.

- Lani G


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