Break The Law In Your Mind

Welcome to December, the month where everyone begins deciding what next year will look and feel like and deciding they'll be a completely different person on January 1st. 

It's the month of lies and self-deception. Why? Because many of us claim we want a new way of being and jump head first into doing something we've seen others do only to find out after day 2 that it doesn't resonate and won't stick. 

We get stuck in the cycle of trying and getting nowhere again and again only to feel defeated and stuck in shame and embarrassment for ending up right back where we started. 

This happens so often because we never get to the root of our problems, we only focus on the surface. 

So let me help you get to the bottom of this so you can finally start 2023 on a good foot. 

Start with the stories you tell yourself. The tape that's running on replay in the back of your mind. That painful experience you had that you refuse to talk about or deal with. That nonsensical thing your brother always says about you that you secretly believe and hate yourself for. 

Start there. 

The stories we tell ourselves date far far back and are rooted in us like huge oak trees, the work to uproot those old belief systems requires intention and repetition.

Think of it like this: Your beliefs are the laws you live by. You don’t think twice about living another way because, in your mind, it’s against the law. Black people, let alone Black women, are conditioned to believe certain things are not in our grasp or attainable — things like peace, prosperity or joy. We're told “you can’t have it all", "nothing works like that for us", etc. And these are the stories that keep us stuck in cycles of unhappiness and severely lacking fulfillment.

What we can do to move away from this lifestyle of restriction and limitation is identify the beliefs we have and begin to clear them from our minds. I share my technique for this in the Getcho Shxt Together Group Coaching Program to help you make sense of the process of transforming your life. To make it simple, you need to start with taking something away before adding something new and practice that over time.

In Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about how habits are the compound interest of self-improvement meaning that as you make small changes daily over time, that’s when you’ll see the most impact, not when you jump from one way of being into another and expect that to stick — it just won’t last and in my program, the intention is for you to learn how to implement changes that will support you throughout the rest of your life, not just temporarily.

Your goal when deciding to transform your life is to get comfortable identifying the problem and chipping away at it over time. It's what’s most impactful especially as it pertains to your mindset and belief systems.

Your beliefs are your unwritten laws of the land, the restrictions you abide by. When you think that bad things will happen if you step out of the bounds of what your beliefs have limited you to, you don't consider living your life differently. You're stuck in fear.

You may think something bad will happen, so you restrict yourself because you think there are there’s a punishment on the other side of you doing what’s beyond your perceived limits and that’s why it’s important to create new beliefs.

Get the support you need in doing this today, by applying to The Getcho Shxt Together Program. At the end of our 3 months together, you'll be able to walk away from what no longer serves you and have the confidence and support to not circle back. 

Click here to apply today. There are limited spots available. 


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