The Getcho Shxt Together Program

Do You Need Support In Your Healing?

A spiritual life coach can be a helpful source of guidance and consolation when you’re feeling a bit lost or alone. As an experienced healer, Lani offers holistic wellness services to help you develop spiritually and become more in tune with your needs so that you can meet them with intention and clarity.

Many Black women struggle with navigating the big changes that come with adulthood and choosing a life that resonates with them rather than one that will be approved of by many. Lani works with Black women that are ready to break free of the toxic recurring cycles keeping them stuck in lack, fear and environments not grounded in love.

If you're ready to experience a breakthrough and understand how to live a life that you'll love, you need to join Lani in the next cohort for The Getcho Shxt Together Program. This program helps you to redesign your life from top to bottom in 3 steps.

Step 1 - The Rebrand focuses on helping you identify the beliefs you currently have that play a huge role in your reality. Most times, we aren't aware that we have plenty of opportunities to choose differently and in this section, we begin to open the door of possibility. In The Rebrand, you'll discover what your underlying beliefs are, where they came from and how to create new belief systems that support your desires and vision for your life. Starting here helps you understand the story you've been telling yourself since childhood and how some of those beliefs are hindering you from finally getting what you actually want. It clears the path forward as you begin to take steps to your new reality.

Step 2 - The Foundation is where we begin to create solid ground for you to stand on and plant new seeds that will keep you grounded moving forward. After learning what belief systems held you hostage, this section highlights the behaviors and habits that are ready to be released because they are no longer in alignment with you. In this step, you get the opportunity to observe yourself, without judgment, and ask (and answer) the question if your habits are aligned with your vision. Here, you'll see how to bridge the gap between your desires and your actions to call in the life you desire with more intention. When you have a foundation that is strong, no matter what storm comes your way, you'll know how to move through it and keep your mind's eye focused on your goals and dreams.

Step 3 - The Vision gives you the space to dream big and understand the simple ways you can work towards your vision starting now -- not when the windfall comes or when everyone agrees with your decisions or when you feel "ready". This step helps you to identify your God-given superpowers that were yours as soon as you were born. Here, you learn about your astrological gifts and your Human Design. These two together, help you understand how you naturally operate so you can release the resistance you have to yourself. We do ourselves a disservice expecting our journey to look like our peers and when you learn about who you really are, you'll have the perfect roadmap that's just for you. Lastly, in this step, you get to dream the biggest dream for your life and Lani supports you in working backwards to identify what needs to be done now to get to your biggest dream.

If you're ready to stand in your power, own your uniqueness and shed the things that no longer serve you, The Getcho Shxt Together Program was made for you. After you complete this program, you'll have a powerful, jam-packed toolbox to guide your steps forward and empower you to trust yourself more than you ever have before. Apply here to join the next cohort today so you can be supported in your healing.

In this 3 month program, upon enrollment you get immediate access to:

  • The GYST Course which includes lectures for Step 1-3 as detailed above, 
  • A private group chat with other cohort members, 
  • 3 months of weekly accountability calls to help you understand the content and share space with like-minded Black women, 
  • 2 one-on-one calls with Lani to provide individualized support throughout the program, and more! 

Apply here today and finally get your shxt together!


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